Giving Thanks (again)



[I thought this one was worth re-posting – especially since everyone else is so busy with their lives, probably no one will read it anyway! Regardless, I wish you all a very Happy (and peaceful) Thanksgiving. – The Curious Bloke]

Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, and I will – as will the majority of Americans – be sitting and stuffing my face with Turkey, dressing, appetizers, cranberry sauce, desserts, and more food than anyone could possibly swallow in one sitting (actually, it would most likely be more food than would feed a third-world country for a month). After all, that’s exactly what Thanksgiving Day is all about, right?

It’s also about friends and family – and arguments, and bickering, and throwing things at each other because you haven’t seen each other since last Thanksgiving’s brawl which you lost.


The Thanksgivukkah Minurkey


Thanksgivukkah Minurkey

As each year passes by, we lose yet a little more of the holidays. There was a time in my life when each holiday was a separate entity. One holiday didn’t begin until the previous one was finished. And the only danger of two holidays getting too close together and being slightly “mixed” was Christmas and New Years (and even then, they were still quite separate holidays with their own separate TV specials).

But this year we’re seeing a totally different creature.


The Doglette Bad Dream Tribulation


Dog Nightmare

Well, it’s finally come to that time: when we care enough for the doglettes that we are now having doglette nightmares. Okay, maybe not quite nightmares where we wake up screaming, but the type of very uncomfortable dream that has us waking upset – so much so that we need to make sure they’re okay.

For me, it’s just an expected small step. For Hubby, this is a HUGE step in life.


Mercury Retrograde


Mercury Retrograde

I’m not a real big follower of astrology and horoscopes and all that. Yeah, sometimes I’ll listen to the readings of my signs (both my sun sign and my rising sign) when they’re on the radio and think, “Oh, that’s cute…”

I don’t follow the cycle of the planets and plan out my day accordingly, either. I know some people go way out and map out their days and the decisions they’ll make (or not make) because Saturn is in alignment with Mars, or whatever. But one thing that I’ll occasionally pay attention to is when Mercury goes Retrograde.
