Mercury Retrograde II

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Mercury Retrograde

Well, it’s happening again. Mercury is retrograde this month, starting on the 19th, and going until June 11th. And how do I know this?

People are assholes. More

Communication Woes


Fountain Pen

You’d think in this day and age that we wouldn’t have problems communicating with one another. Yet between email, telephones, video phones, text messages, blogs, vlogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like, we seem to communicate less and less with each other. Or, if not less, at least less efficiently. More

The Information Inundation


Information Inundation

It seems that we are constantly bombarded by information from all angles ever more so today than in the past. I still remember a time when, if you had a question about anything, you had to do your research at the library. Even simply asking someone wasn’t an option when my teachers would always tell me, “Look it up.” Now, however, if any question comes to mind, we simply whip out our phones and start surfing Google.

Mercury Retrograde


Mercury Retrograde

I’m not a real big follower of astrology and horoscopes and all that. Yeah, sometimes I’ll listen to the readings of my signs (both my sun sign and my rising sign) when they’re on the radio and think, “Oh, that’s cute…”

I don’t follow the cycle of the planets and plan out my day accordingly, either. I know some people go way out and map out their days and the decisions they’ll make (or not make) because Saturn is in alignment with Mars, or whatever. But one thing that I’ll occasionally pay attention to is when Mercury goes Retrograde.


I Believe Facebook May Be A Necessary Evil

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Facebook came on the scene worldwide in 2005 (at least according to Wikipedia). I was late in coming to the table and didn’t start my personal Facebook page until … gosh, I guess it was 2008 when I logged on for the first time! I never had a MySpace account, so I totally skipped that losing phase – so at least there’s that positive note…


How Did We Exist Without Internet?



These days, we do everything – everything – on the Internet. We pay bills, we communicate with friends and family, we break up with our ex’s (oh, wait … that’s text messaging…), and we watch television, look up facts, verify addresses, and even talk on the telephone! Companies conduct business through the Internet, whether by email or through their email messages, and even churches communicate with the “outside world” via their web sites. Hell, there are some churches (which shall, for the present time, remain nameless) that believe the majority of their ministry is through their website, even discussing ways of charging their cherished followers for listening to music or watching one of their videos! (duh…)


The Comcast Love-Hate Relationship



I know a lot of people who have a love/hate relationship with Comcast Cable Company. Just mention the name “Comcast” to just about anyone who lives in the Philadelphia region, and they’ll start sputtering and cussing about how they suck, their customer service is the worst, they feel they’re being price-gouged, their cable is always messed up… The list just goes on and on (if they don’t first have a stroke).


News Flash: The Internet is Public!

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Internet Privacy

I keep seeing these posts here and there – Facebook, Twitter, Blogs – about people declaring their privacy on the Internet. There are “privacy policies” by companies like Facebook and Twitter, Google and Instagram that we have to read and agree to before we use their services (free services, I might add). And the Internet has been wildly popular for quite a number of years, so you’d think people would know things by now. It’s not like the early 1990s on the Today Show when they were asking “What is ‘Internet’?

Then again, maybe it still is!  More