The Attempt at Finding Solace Again



I’m finding this blog writing has, of late, become lost in my daily life. Not that it hasn’t been important, but rather that life has been so hectically busy. That said, though I haven’t been publishing on a regular, weekly basis, it is what it is and I will continue to post as I’m able to find time (without brow-beating myself!)

What Happens When There Are No More Churches?

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Abandoned Church

I remember a time during my childhood when my parents would take us to church on Sundays. It was a regular thing, and we went every Sunday (and special days, of course) without fail, unless we were really sick with a fever. For me it was a very comforting feeling: familiar, warm, and lasting. There was tradition that was followed for many years that was mixed into everything we did. The old, red, hymn book we always used to sing the hymns and follow the liturgy were worn, the pages yellowing. The church calendar cycle was the same very year, with the ebbing and flowing of special times; of Advents and Christmases; of Lents and Easters. More

Christianity 2.0


Christus Rex

It seems that Christianity and “The Church” (and to be even more precise, as most people call it, “organized religion”) is a completely changed creature since the beginning of the new millenium. The pendulum has swung so far to the left that many people don’t even want to be associated with any kind of religious institution for fear of being branded in some way. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard someone proclaim to me, “I’m spiritual, but not religious,” I’d be retired and living in Puerto Rico by now.

It’s like the term “religious” connotes something negative and evil – and with the state of so many churches and religions these days, with their abusive behaviour sex scandals and the financial guilt inflicted on those left behind, I can’t really say that I blame the public for feeling that way.

Giving Thanks (again)



[I thought this one was worth re-posting – especially since everyone else is so busy with their lives, probably no one will read it anyway! Regardless, I wish you all a very Happy (and peaceful) Thanksgiving. – The Curious Bloke]

Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, and I will – as will the majority of Americans – be sitting and stuffing my face with Turkey, dressing, appetizers, cranberry sauce, desserts, and more food than anyone could possibly swallow in one sitting (actually, it would most likely be more food than would feed a third-world country for a month). After all, that’s exactly what Thanksgiving Day is all about, right?

It’s also about friends and family – and arguments, and bickering, and throwing things at each other because you haven’t seen each other since last Thanksgiving’s brawl which you lost.


The Problem with Religion


Traditional Latin Mass

This is a subject that hits close to home for me, and it was made even more evident last weekend and over this past week: The simple fact that religion – or, more specifically, worship – which (at least to me) should be something profoundly unchanging, continues to morph into something totally unknown and unreligious. And it’s all become somewhat of a problem.

I know that sounds really confusing, so let me try to explain this a little more.


My! How Things Change!

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High Mass

The only constants in life are death and taxes. Or so it’s been said.

However, one could also say the only constant in life is change. And it’s that constant change that can get very wearying – especially when it affects things that are best left unchanged (like one’s faith and traditions). In my opinion (and yes, I’ll agree that opinions are like bung holes: everybody has one and they all stink), there are some things that just should not change. Just like the old saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”


Standing Up for What You Believe


Apparently, religion is no longer a very important part of people’s lives. I’ve written before about religion, and how it doesn’t play a major role in people’s lives any longer. I’ve written about changes I’ve seen personally, and changes in general. I’ve written about secularism invading religion. But the chasm grows ever wider, separating those who feel it is important in their lives and those who couldn’t give a lesser crap about religion, provided they’re still getting their paycheck. This mind-set even moreso affects clergy, who (some) get paid a hefty salary, even though they’re not doing the job for which they’re getting paid. More

Anglo-Catholic Traditions: Fit for the Dustbin


As promised, this is the second in a series of truthful postings about what’s really been happening at S. Clement’s Church, Philadelphia. This particular truth deals with the slow elimination of the Anglo-Catholic Traditions long held at S. Clement’s, and how most have been dismissed without any replacement at hand.  More