Justifiable Judgmentalism

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It’s so easy to judge others, isn’t it? So much so, that it often happens before we even realize it. Someone cuts us off on the road, and we immediately recognize them as an “ass hole” or a “friggin moron!” It’s an unmistakable classification of humanoids, of course, distinguishable by their lack of charity or awareness of any other species in their vicinity. And because we’ve defined them as such by their behaviour, we are justified in our judgment. It’s a “righteous judgment” of sorts, just like anyone who drives faster than us is an idiot, and anyone who drives slower than us is a moron.

It Sneaks Up On You



There is always a time in our lives when we’re suddenly hit with the realization of something that we never saw coming. It could be anything at all: suddenly realizing that you haven’t been 29 in at least 20 years; suddenly realizing that you’re not a billionaire like you’d planned; or even suddenly realizing that when you stopped shaving, the hair that started growing in again had turned a little more grey than you’d remembered.


Happy 4th of July!


John Trumbull's "Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776"

I realize most everyone from the United States is going to be busy at this time with the National 4th of July Holiday. For those of you who are reading outside of the United States, the 4th of July is a very patriotic holiday marking the day of independence. It’s also known as Independence Day, and draws many people from around the country (and even the world) to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where it all began. This great and solemn patriotic holiday is celebrated as every great, solemn federal holiday. It’s celebrated by drinking and eating until you puke.


Today’s Youth: WTF?

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I’m really curious what’s gotten into today’s youth. No, this is not one of those rhetorical statements; I honestly want to know. Two major issues have come out in the news, lately: Namely, the Steubenville, OH, rape of a 16-year-old girl by two football players at a party; and the Philadelphia area father and son arrested after having a drinking/drug party with 19 underage kids.

Well, quite frankly, I’d like to know what got into that father to host a party like that; but I also want to know what’s gotten into today’s youth…




S. Clement’s Church, Philadelphia, which has long been called the hallmark of Anglo-Catholicism, has seen drastic changes lately in her life and worship. Unfortunately, it’s not an accidental or metamorphic change that’s been happening slowly over time, but rather, what appears to be a very strong-headed few who were never happy with the Anglo-Catholic traditions practiced at S. Clement’s and desired to change them from their first days stepping foot in the church rather than attending another parish that already offered what they were looking for. More